
The Association this year also organizes its traditional year-ending - Christmas party. The event will be held on 22nd of December, 2010 at 12.00. All members are welcome.

The Association and TISZK from Kalocsa has jointly submitted a successful project to the European Union's IPA program. During the next 12 months, in the scope of the project, the training of logistic experts will take place both in Hungary and Serbia.

We would like to inform our members, that there is a possibility to publish news about the work of each member associations under the News section. Please send your news to the Secretariat.

A Szabadka Község Parasztjainak Egyesülete határonátnyuló partnerségi együttműködéssel foglalkoztatási lehetőségek bemutatóját szervez bajmokon. Csütörtökön április 1.-én dlután 4 órakkor a Dózsa György magyar müvelődési központban.

The Association has won 500.000 HUF on the autumn call for proposals of the Local Government and Informatics Board of the Homeland Fund. The resources will be used for equipping of IT cabinet, with aim to organize IT trainings for the members of civil organisations.